The attitude of many people regarding the subject of immodest apparel is apathy, indifference, and sometimes even disdain. I recognize that this subject is not a popular one in our day and age. The secular world, certainly, rejects the principles of modesty set forth in God's word, and evidence of that fact is seen everywhere. A person, for example, does not necessarily have to go to the beach to see scanty attire. No, all they have to do is go shopping at the local mall and they will see how common it is for people to dress immodestly! The world has been on a moral decline for some time and immodest dress is surely a reflection of that decline. But I am not so much concerned with the world as I am with those who are professed followers of Jesus Christ. After all, "the whole world lieth in wickedness" (1 John 5:19), but Christians are to be different. While immodesty characterizes the world, the Christian is to "live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world" (Titus 2:12). Dear Christian, what is your attitude toward this most important subject? I do not hesitate to say that some members of the church are less than enthusiastic when the subject comes up. It's obvious that some do not want this subject addressed in the pulpits across our land. Yet, biblical principles are given in the Scriptures that govern how we are to dress. Are you interested in learning about those principles and living accordingly?

Contrary to the way some people act, this is a Bible subject. The Apostle Paul writes, "In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with braided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array; but which becometh women professing godliness with good works" (1 Tim 2:9-10). No one can seriously consider those words of the apostle and then entertain the notion that the Scriptures aren't concerned about the way we dress.' That's exactly what Paul is dealing with here--how Christian women are to dress! He says that women are to adorn themselves in "modest apparel." The word modest refers to that which is "orderly, well-arranged, decent" (Vine, p.761). Paul is showing that a Christian woman is to put some time and thought into what she wears. In other words, she is not to just throw anything on, but her attire is to be orderly, becoming, and arranged in such a way as to cause her to be esteemed by all for being the godly woman that she is. Indeed, the way Christian women dress should be the outward expression of a well ordered, disciplined life in Christ!

Also, Paul says that Christian women should dress in a manner "which becometh women professing godliness with good works." Yes, a Christian woman has a godly profession and her attire should complement and exemplify the life of holiness she is pursuing. Obviously she cannot profess godliness while at the same time dressing in a way that is shameful and disgraceful. Christian women who possess the sense of modesty and soberness Paul writes about will neither "overdress or "underdress." To "overdress" in a manner that goes beyond the bounds of moderation and where one becomes gaudy is to reveal a heart that is motivated vanity and a false sense of values. To "underdress" is to lack the sense of shame--what is called "shamefacedness" in 1 Tim 2:9--that would lead a person to cover the shame of his nakedness (Rev 3:18).

Indeed, it is appalling to see how people dress--perhaps I should say undress-in public today! Don Humphrey writes, "There is a tradition that in the 11th century, Lady Godiva rode through the streets of a town in England without any clothing. She did this to persuade her husband to spare the people of the city from oppressive taxation. It would seem, if one were to judge by the lack of clothes the 20th century woman wears, that most ladies today are trying to lower taxes" (A Modern Look At Modesty, p.2). Yes, this is a problem today. However, not only do we have a problem with women undressing in public, but men are just as bad. Yet, God clothed both the man and the woman in Gen 3:21, and Christian men also need to keep their shirts and pants on in public! Incidentally, a person can have some clothing on and still be "naked" in the biblical sense of that term, as it is applied to Peter in John 21:7. Adam Clarke says that the term "naked" is often used to signify the absence of the upper garment only. In other words, since Peter was only partially clothed on that occasion, he was said to be "naked." Likewise, many are "naked" today when they are "thinly-clad" in their immodest apparel!

Immodest clothing can lead to lust, temptation, and sin (Matt 5:2728). Whenever a woman dresses in a manner to entice a man to look at her and lust, then she also sins (Luke 17:1-2). We might as well face up to the fact that some garments are designed for that very purpose! Mary Quant, the fashion designer who is the mother of the mini-skirt, was quoted as saying, "Mini-clothes are symbolic of those girls who want to seduce a man...." Swimsuits, of course, are designed for the purpose of attracting the opposite sex. Christian women must decide if they want to be chaste (Titus 2:5) or chased. Such ungodly apparel as mini-clothes, shorts, see-through blouses, halters, tight outfits, and low-cut dresses must be rejected by the Christian! Such clothing falls under the definition of lasciviousness, a work of the flesh that will cause one to miss heaven (Gal 5:19-21).

A good question to ask yourself is: does the clothing I wear enhance my reputation as a Christian? If you are a Christian woman who wears pants, this is something that you ought to seriously consider. Have you ever heard of the following conversation taking place: "Excuse me, but I can see that you dress differently from most people of the world. I was wondering where you go to church, because I can tell by your pants that you are a Christian woman"? No, I doubt that you have heard of that conversation taking place. Yet, one example after another can be cited where our Christian women have been approached because they had a dress on. Why? Because in a dress, and with their long hair, they stood apart from the crowd and they manifested what a Christian woman looks like.

The truth is that pants on women has not always been an acceptable practice in our society. Has time made right what once was wrong? Has time set aside the principle that God expects males and females to maintain a distinction in the way they act, look, and dress (Deut 22:5; 1 Cor 11:14)? Dan Valentine writes, "Most American women wear pants these days... Folks think nothing about it. It hasn't always been so in the United States. Back about 100 years or so ago, the public frowned on any woman brave enough to wear trousers. The first American female to make a big to-do about wearing pants was Dr. Mary Walker. In fact, she raised such a fuss about her right to wear trousers that the U.S. Congress passed special legislation giving her the legal right to wear pants" (From Dan Valentine's Spirit of America). As one preacher asked, Will Christians deny what sinners affirm?

When we meet people, one of the first things they notice about us is the way we are dressed. Let's use this as an avenue to let our light so shine before men (Matt. 5:16)!--215 Forest Hills Dr. West Monroe, LA. 71291

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