In order to put our position before the War Department of our Government, in an intelligent and effective manner, I have asked Brother Phillips to write out an appeal, setting forth our conscientious objections to engaging in combative carnal warfare. I have had a good supply of these forms printed, ready to be signed by all the male members of the various congregations throughout the nation. These will be freely sent to the congregations requesting them, without cost to you. Just send me a post card, giving the approximate number of male members in your congregation, and I shall be glad to send the form to you. Let me know of other congregations, giving the name and address of one of the leaders, if you know of them. This should be attended to immediately, while in time of peace, that our brethren may obtain exemption from combative service in war. We think it will be more effective to send all at once to the proper authorities.

Howard Sharp, 422 Whittier Blvd.

Montebello, Calif.

Note: We think that Brother Sharp is doing the brethren a great favor in putting this appeal before the War Department, and we urge all to cooperate with him immediately.


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