In Soviet Russia the Bible may neither be printed nor sold. And this country has sold to England the ancient Codex Sinaticus for half a million dollars. This Greek manuscript, being one from which we get the Bible, and which dates from about 350 A. D., contains all the New Testament and about two-fifths of the Old Testament. It was obtained by Tischendorf under the patronage of Tzar Alexander II, of Russia, in 1859, at the monastery of Saint Catherine in Arabia at the foot of Mt. Sinai, and was kept in St. Petersburg, Russia, until 1934. Hitler has set in to make a State Church for Germany, to worship him, it seems. And it seems that Italy is looking to the treasures in the Vatican as "sinews of war."

And what of the West? A close observer, Professor Machen, observes that "seventy-five years ago, Western civilization was predominantly Christian; today it is predominantly pagan." The cry has gone forth from Modernism to "oust the Bible from religion." And only recently was it featured nationally in the newspapers of America that a "Christian minister of the gospel" hurled his Bible from the pulpit, and declared, "As I see it, the Bible is not the word of God."

Even that high priest of Evolution, Henry Fairfield Osborn, in his tirade against that peerless defender of the Bible, William Jennings Bryan, was forced by candor to admit that "It may be said without scientific or religious prejudice that the world-wide loss of the older religious and Biblical foundation of morals has been one of the causes of human decadence in conduct, in literature, and in art." These evolutionists and modernists have unlashed the demons of human degradation, and stand trembling for fear at what they have done. They have promised the people liberty, but have bound them with the fetters of misery, vice, and despair.

Edward G. Conklin, one high up in evolution in America, bewails the situation as follows: "The decline of faith in the supernatural origin of man and of ethics, the decreasing fear of hell or hope of heaven, and the increasing freedom of thought and action brought about by science and education have led, in some instances, to a general weakening of the ethical code."

Again: "The question of the old catechism, ‘What is the chief end of man?’ is now answered by multitudes of people: ‘To glorify pleasure and enjoy it while it lasts.’ They say frankly: ‘I have but one life to live, and I propose to get the most pleasure possible out of it. . . . Let us eat, drink,

And be merry—for tomorrow we die.’ Yes, persons who live as mere animals, die as the beast dieth; they deserve no immortality on earth or anywhere else."

Again he says: "Whether we believe in religion or not, our better instincts revolt against such ethics. We are more than brutes and cannot be satisfied with the pleasures of brutes. We may not accept the old ethics of supernaturalism and tradition, but we cannot adopt the ethics of pigs and hyenas."

And there you go without the Bible. This is the very thing they do do, and it will take more than Evolution and Modernism to change such a state of things. They sow to the wind, and they reap the whirlwind. Greek philosophy and Oriental mysticism only add fuel to the flame,—goodbye home; good-bye nation; good-bye civilization. A dearly-bought "liberty" is this.

"God hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son."—Heb. 1:1. "I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me," said Jesus, praying to the Father.—John 17:8. "The seed is the Word of God," said Jesus, in the parable of the sower.—Lk. 8:11.

Said Paul: "I am ready to preach the gospel to you that are at Rome also. For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth: to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith. For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth in unrighteousness."—Rom. 1:16-18.

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." —2 Tim. 3:13. The Bible is being fulfilled.

H. C. Harper

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